Friday, July 18, 2014

Rose Colored Glasses

Company's a-coming and I get to share a few Elmira nights, food and sights. While the dry season is upon us, it's cooled to the low-70s. Smoke has funneled into the valley, leaving a haze that turns pink at sunset. Raspberries are ripe; tea-cup and Lady Bird Johnson roses have burst with blooms. The earlier whites, yellows and oranges of wildflowers are shifting to purplish-pinks.

Everywhere I look it's as if I've donned rose colored glasses. Enjoy this glimpse of pink on Elmira Pond.

Pink to Red

Pinking of a Thistle

Unknown Marsh Flower

Well-known Tea-cup Roses Blushing

Lady J Roses

It Starts With a Pink Streak or Two

Haze Makes for Great Color

Deepening Pink

Ducks Fly the Pink Skies

Blue Ridge of Elmira


  1. The glory is in not even needing rose colored glasses. Isn't it lovely to pink up your soul without a filter or man-made enhancement?

  2. Replies
    1. It's wonderful to share this pink across the border with you!

  3. Wonderful. I always tell people "i'm not a pink sort of gal". I think I lied. I LOVE all of those pinks.

    1. Funny thing, Dawn, pink is not my color either, but I'm loving the blush at the moment!
